Monotonous Lifestyles of Confined Students in Home during coV-19

Sushavan Das
3 min readJul 5, 2021

The Corona virus pandemic ravaging the world has certainly put an interlusion on the regular lives of people across the globe. The lockdown has been rather hectic for school-going students. It’s been fourteen months since they visited to school. In a period of just few months, the coV-19 pandemic caused by a novel corona virus has radically transformed the lives of masses of people all over the world, including students. Indeed, as of April 1, 2020, the number of learners required to stay at home due to closure of their educational institution at all grade levels.

Apart f

rom the devastating health consequences for those directly affected by the virus, the coV-19 pandemic holds major implications for the way higher education students live and work, affecting their physical and mental well-being in profound ways. For parents, one of the major concerns during these unprecedented junctures is the amount of time their children are spending in front of the mobile, laptop, tablet, and PC screens. Owing to the pandemic, millions of school kids around the world are not continuing their education online, which has inadvertently resulted in more screen time for the little ones. Adding to the woes, lockdown restrictions and social distancing measures have further taken away the option of outdoor games and activities for children. They palpable tediousness being captivated inside the four walls which is monotonous to them.

Students formerly became emaciated wending to schools and tuitions, but after the beginning of the rudimentary year 2020, every one tranquilled. But as the day passed by, all schools gradually started closing and offline classes desisted. The hustle and bustle after the school ends became reticent now. Every exquisitable moments of school days have unraveled. Reactions to the novel corona virus have caused a great many changes to daily life in recent days. Students in homes have been agonizing from seclusion. They are not getting chance to study with their consortiums and there remains dearth competing with antagonists, and thereby the ideas of creative minds get overturned.

Although online education has built up young minds to develop creativities and conducting online programmes like; online sports, speech, essay writing competitions, celebrations, seminars and some more, but these don’t provide overwhelming gratification to the hearts of students. In recent times, a few months back, a teethager girl posted a written letter to Modi, P.M of India, to palliate the burden of feverished nomenclature of protracted online classes. Not only online classes initiates agony but it genuinely affects the student’s brains and eyes also. The joint effect between lifestyle changes by home incarceration has feasibly aggravated behavioral problems in children.

Published by std728

I have been writing several omnibus of writings. I started writing creativities at the age of seven. I’ve narrated many dramas, wrote collection and pages of stories, directed and casted dramas in the school life. I have kept this passion aside along with my studies. Recently, few months earlier I narrated many tragic and horror Bengali stories in my official website, channel, WFAMS, in YouTube.



Sushavan Das

I have articled several omnibus of writings in The Writings’ Daily. I started writing creativities at the age of seven.